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May 24, 2019 The Meriwether Vindicator | |
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5âAMeriwether VindicatorFriday, May 24, 2019 â the? purity and :Hogansviiie..'area.'ic ._ .â âwhich youâwaattiieiitâe. 5e star :newscestaramercuryco Special Church AnnouncementsNash to Minister May 26Richard Nash of Richard Nash Ministries will be ministeringonSunday Morning May 26th at11:00 am. at the Cedar RockBaptist Church. Richard will bepreaching/singing. Everyone isinvited to come and be with us.For more information you maycall Pastor Alvin Coe (706)-573-1447. Youth RevivalNew Springfield Baptist Church, 762 Hwy 100, Greenville, cor-dially invites you to fellowship with us again during our 2nd annualYouth revival. The services will begin at 7:00 pm. Tuesday, May28 through Thursday, May 30, 2019. Our theme for this year isWorship, John 4:24 âGod is a spirit and they that worship him mustworship him in spirit and in truthâ Our youth speakers are: Tuesdaynight: Jaylen Gates, Confidence Missionary Baptist Church,LaGrange Ga. Wednesday night: Richorias Cofield, ConfidenceMissionary Baptist Church, LaGrange, Ga. Thursday night: VintonCopeland, Pastor of Powell Baptist Church, Talbotton Ga. Pleasejoin us with your youth choir; youth praise team, youth devotionalteam and your church family. Refreshments will be served nightly.Come help give God all the glory! Thanking you so much and beblessed. Rev. Bruce Alford, Pastor and the New Springfield BaptistChurch Family.Gospel SingCedar Rock Baptist Church 17 Owens Road Woodbury will behaving their Ist Saturday nightsing on Saturday June 1st at 7:00pm. Singers will be TheExhorter's Quartet. FreeAdmisSion- A love offering will bereceived. Light refreshmentsafter the sing. For more infomra-tion you may call PastorAlvin Coe (706)â573â1447.Pastorâs AppreciationRust Chapel UMC of Greenville cordially invite you to our "AnnualPastor's Appreciation" on first Sunday, June 2nd, 11 :00 am.Rust Chapel will be celebrating fourteen years of devoted serviceof Rev. & Mrs, Lonnie L. Thorhton, Sr. Please join us as we paytribute to our beloâVed Pastor and First Lady. Our guest speakerand guest church will be Minister Sylvia Smith and ImmanuelMinistries of Lagrange. Following the Appreciation, we will havedinner at Fried Tomato Buffet in Newnan (dutch-treat).Church Pews .We have church pews weâd love to donate to a church. Wehave 9 that are 10 feet 5 inches long. Also, 5 that are 8 feet 5 inch-es long. If interested please contact Lynn at 706â304â0738.Ongoing Church AnnouncementsBihle Study Vijilawest'l'rme Community Baptist Community Church Bible study changed from Monday to Wednesday evening at 6:00pm..This Bible study is open to the whole family. Our Sunday morningservice starts with Sunday school at 10:30am and morning worshipat 11:00am. Everyone is invited. Ilium Slum It firm!Illlu'drrrnbrr(705) 346-91 59125 Main St.Manchester, GA 31316 Claude A.cKibbens& Sons .Funeral Home ' '208 Johnsbn Street - Hogansville, Georgie706-637-8623axed av metere- iisted L ' Invitation to WorshipThe Pentecostals of Woodbury welcome you to come and wor-ship with us each Sunday at 10 AM at 500 Flat Shoals Rd inWoodbury, Georgia. For more information contact Pastor PhilipMurray at 706-957-3230.Services OfferedHarvestTrmeCommunity Baptist Church now offers: Free coun-selling to veterans, Veterans benefits reference help, Free cloth-ings to veterans and needed families, and Free family counselling.Call the Church at 706-400-4158 for more information and anAppointment. Bill Blackmon, MABC, Pastor. Harvest TimeCommunity Baptist Church is meeting temporarin at 412 KingAvenue, Pine Mountain, Ga.Music Minister WantedFirst Baptist Church, Manchester, Ga., is seeking a part-timemusic minister on Sundays and Wednesdays to lead congregation-al singing, prepare adult and childrenâs choirs for participation inworship, and assist in weekly worship planning. Contact CraigWilliamson at or send résumé to Call (706) 846-2601 for further infor-mation.Caring Sharing Food PantryThe Woodbury Baptist Church Caring & Sharing Food Pantryis open the third Thursday of each month from 1:00 pm til 3:00 pm.The church is located at 106 Dromedary Street, Woodbury, Georgia30293. Pantry is at the rear entrance of the church.Bible Study GroupWednesdays at Grace Family Church Join us at 7pm for astudy called âFinancial Stewardshipâ from Andrew WommackMinistries/Charis Bible College. We have course instruction fol-lowed by group discussion. This weeks class is called âGod Is AGiver.â This is free of charge, our Blessing to You. 7:00 pm eachWednesday at Grace Family Church on 2nd St. in Manchester. Formore information contact Pastor Bruce Brown @ 706-6564755.New Beginnings Outreach Clothing CenterNew Beginnings Outreach Ministry of Woodland has a specialClothing Center. The Clothing Center looks like a well-organizedthrift of clothing store except everything in it is free. The cloth-ing comes from community donations. The Center counts on priâvate donations, and theyâask you to help. Donatiprr hours are,Monday and Tuesday from 8 am. to 5â,p,m,,y_New BeginningsOutreach Ministry, with Pastor E.W. Searcy, can be reached at 706-601-5556.Alcoholics AnonymousIf you or a loved one needs help with a drinking problem,Alcoholics Anonymous can help. There are meetings availablethroughout Meriwether County. Sunday 7:30PM Jones Chapel âlmlac, GA; Monday 8PM Greenville Baptist Church â Greenville,GA; Tuesday 7:30PM Jones Chapel -â lmlac, GA; Thursday 8PMFirst Baptist Church â Pine Mountain, GA.Church Space AvailableChurch space available for lease in Manchester, GA. Pleasecall 706-977-3606 for further information. vSenior Pastor SoughtGreater Saint Phillip Methodist Church is prayerfully seekingenthusiastic and passionate pastoral candidates for the position ofSenior Pastor.The candidate for Senior Pastor should be one who demon-strates the qualitiesof 1 Trmothy 3:1 -17 and Titus 125-9. We seekthrough Christ, a pastor who loves God people, teaching His wordand growing a congregation. Our church is a unique smaller Church Photo- SubmittedHIGHLAND BAPTIST CELEBRATES MOTHERS OnMother's Day, Highland Baptist Church in Hogansville cel-ebrated mothers by honoring all mothers whowere atMorning Worship Service with a gift from the WMU; Inaddition, we honored the Oldest and Youngest Mothers inattendance. Receiving these honors were Michelle Powell,youngest, and Jane Hubbard, oldest. We love our moth-ers and thank them for their tireless support. Also honoredon Mother's Day, was our Pastor's wife, Cookie Rainwater.She does so much for our church and we greatly appreci-ate her. Top photo: Michelle Powell, youngest mother,with Pastor Terry Rainwater; bottom photo: Jane Hubbard, .oldest mother, with Pastor Terry Rainwater. he Meriwether Vindicatorfilled ith loving and caring pie with a heart to please the Lord.1 titer-deadline Witl'run' in sea weekâs newspaper. â aiiedta'the neWSpaper. â â *rages: his renew those.» , , If God is leading you in the direction of Greater Saint PhillipMethodist Church please send letters of interest or resumes to PO. Box 837, Talbotton, GA 31827, Attention: Pastoral Committee. 'AI-AnonAre you troubled by someoneâs drinking? AI-Anon can help!Local meetings are held Mondays at 7 pm. at First Baptist Church,Warm Springs. Call Sandy if you have questions 706-987-7407.Bethesda Baptist Church Food BankBethesda Baptist Food Bank in Ellerslie is open Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Our ministrypriority is to help those in need in oursurrounding communities with âfood, prayer and encouragement.Food PantryLuthersville Baptist Church Food Pantry, 30 Park St, Luthersville,Ga. will be open every Tuesday distributing food. People wantingto receive food need to be signed in by 10.00 am.Bonetta's Food Pantry is open on the 2nd 4th Thursday of eachmonth from Noon until 1:00pm at Greenville United Methodist Church,502 N. Talbotton St, Greenville, GAThe Woodbury Baptist Church Caring Sharing Food Pantry isopen the third Thursday of each month from 1:00 pm til 3:00 pm. ThechurCh is located at 106 Dromedary Street, Woodbury, Georgia 30293.Pantry is at the rear entrance of the church.How to Submit Church NewsSubmit brief church news items to news @star-mercury. comby noon Monday. Items must be eâmailed; faxed, mailed, or hand-delivered items are no longer accepted. 'You Are A PartThe first part of this col-umn is from an end of theschool year article I wrote tothe teachers and staff at BertaWeathersbee ElementarySchool in LaGrange, Georgia.Of Their Story(Bertais the 'II'oup, Baptist:Associationâs Partner inEducation.)ââDonâtletpeople who donâtknow your story stop you fromgoingafterwhatyouknowGodhas promised.â -â DesperatePrayers for Dasperate Times,John Eckhard .â. When I read the quoteabove, I thought about a gen-tleman I used to work withalmost forty years ago. Everyonce in a while, he would lookat me and say, âRev. You donâtknow me. All you know is myname. And youâre just takingmy word for that!â Do youknow what he was telling me?He was telling me that I did-nât know his personal story.And guess what? He was right.I didnât! All I knew about himwas his name. And yes, I wasjust taking his word for that!'lbday, abunch of little chil-dren will walk out of yourclassroom for the final timefor this school year. The real-ity is, you donât know theirstory. How can I say that?BecauSe their story is stillbeing written. Itâs still a workinprocess. However, Ido knowthis, whatever the finishedproduct of their life story lookslike, you are now an integralpart of it! The 2018-19 schoolyear, goodor bad, is nowa partof history. What you havepoured into those precious lit-tle lives, and what they havepoured into you, has nowbecome inseparany \- woveninto the fabric of the samestory. They have a story, youhave a story, and together youâshare a story. So, teacher,administrator, staff member;or whoever you are and what-ever part you play in the storyof our Berta Babies, I remindyou that for such a time as this,God has placed you where youare. He has called you to thetask. Youâre making a differ-ence. So, âDonât let people whodonât know your story stop youfrom going after what youknow God has promised.â Toyou, my heroes, I say a veryheartfelt thank you!â.â, While the portion of thiscolumn written above wasdirected to the teachers andstaff of Berta WeathersbeeElementary School, its mes-sage is applicable to all of us.Aswedothisthingcalledlifetogether, while I have a story,and you have a story, somehow our stories become insep- arany woven together and we âcreate a new story. And as wecreate our new story, we reachcertain milestones where what 7,we are experiencing, doing, or 3creating together, becomes a 'part: of history. Good or bad, â .hot or cold, right or wrong, it I;simply becomes our story. L.This time of year, when 1kindergartens, grammar .,schools, high schools, and col- , ,leges are having their gradu- 3}ation ceremonies, we tend to become very nostalgic. Wecanât help but think about a Ideceased parent, grandpar-eat, or a beloved family memâ I Vher that we wish could share'the big day with us. We thinkabout the people who havepoured themselves into usevery step of the way â those .~who picked us up when we fell,encouraged us when we need-ed encouragement, and whobelieved in us. We think of thesacrifices made by others sowe could achieve our goals...And'strangely, our eyes beginto leak as we remember. But;hereâs the good part of our ;story. No matter who they are,if we love them and they love Ius, regardless of how our lives viintersected, we are a part of âtheir story and they are a part .of ours. And this truth tranâ âscends life and death!In 1973, as I was prepar-ing to walk across the stageand graduate high school, oneof the adults said, âTake a longlook at the people around you.You will never see some ofthem again after tonight.â Ithough they were crazy. Theywerenât! I havenât seen someof them since that night. Someof them have died, and I losttrack of some a long time ago.But as long as I live, they willnever really die. You see, theirstoryisa partof my story! Andso it is with all those we havea true encounter with in lifeour lives become inseparanywoven into the fabric of thesame story. Come to think ofit, thatâs the way it is withJesus!-BrotherAaron' Aaron McCollough is anarea missionary with the area. Baptist Association whichsmeusTis,Meriwetherand âItoup counties. He is g resi-dent of Hogansville,